Premises Liability

Holding property owners responsible for unsafe conditions on their premises
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Premises Liability Attorney In Buffalo, New York

What Is Premises Liability?

At DM Block Law, we firmly believe that property owners should diligently maintain safety conditions on their premises to avoid causing harm to guests or customers. This may range from ensuring that a restaurant floor is not wet, to prevent slip and fall incidents, to assuring that artwork in a hotel is securely anchored, preventing it from falling onto a sleeping guest. As a property owner, you are vested with a legal obligation, a duty of care, towards your guests.

Any neglect in addressing unsafe scenarios on your premises could lead to injury, for which you may be held accountable. With over 25 years of experience in handling personal injury cases in Buffalo, New York, Attorney David M. Block can assist you in understanding these intricacies in greater detail.

Contact DM Block Law to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 716-575-3155

What Kinds of Situations Qualify as Premises Liability?

Any hazard on a property that a proprietor fails to rectify within a reasonable amount of time may render them liable for injuries sustained by guests. Factors such as poor lighting, obstructed pathways, torn carpets or mats, unstable stairs or handrails, malfunctioning elevators, and uneven stair risers are all areas that require attention prior to welcoming guests. Floors that pose a slipping danger can also result in accidents. However, if the property owner has no knowledge of the causative factors, such as when a customer breaks a bottle of soda without alerting an employee, the owner might not be held responsible for the incident. This underscores the importance of consulting with a personal injury attorney like David M. Block of DM Block Law in New York at the earliest opportunity following an accident. David brings over 25 years of experience in the practice of personal injury law to help you understand the options available to you. To ascertain whether your situation falls within the purview of premises liability, contact David M. Block today.

What Should I Do If I Have an Accident on Someone Else’s Property?

The initial course of action should be to secure medical assistance. Keep every document pertaining to your injury for future reference. If it's feasible, revisit the accident site and capture photographs depicting the circumstances that resulted in your injury. If you are unable, have a reliable individual do it on your behalf. In case your injury took place on a business or other organization's premises, complete a written report and retain a copy for yourself. It is crucial to engage an attorney knowledgeable in premises liability to enhance your prospects of obtaining just compensation for your injuries. DM Block Law can be of assistance. Reach out to Attorney David M. Block, who has over three decades of experience in premises liability, today.

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